American University of Malta

Company Overview

In 2022, the American University of Malta (AUM) enlisted Nexa’s assistance in boosting sales during a challenging period. Our collaboration began in June 2022 when the university had only enrolled 100 physical students on campus. Upon assuming responsibility for marketing and lead generation, we identified significant issues. The AUM marketing team had previously attempted lead generation, overlooking 500 leads due to challenges in utilizing technology investments like Salesforce. Lack of proficiency in Salesforce and related platforms hindered lead management, tracking, and nurturing. Additionally, we observed suboptimal management of the website and assets, with some avenues for lead generation left unattended.

  • Sales increase
  • University challenges
  • Lead generation
  • Physical students
  • Marketing collaboration
  • Technology investments
  • Salesforce platform
  • Lead management

Project Highlights

  • Lead tracking
  • Lead nurturing
  • Website management
  • Asset management
  • Student enrollment
  • University challenges
  • Marketing team
  • Contentious time
  • Campus enrollment

Challenges We Faced

The project commenced with a series of key challenges:

  1. Negative PR Override: Strategic content development to counteract and override negative narratives surrounding the university.
  2. Visa Limitations for Students: Potential enrollment restrictions for students due to visa-related issues.
  3. Salesforce Utilization Hurdles: Ineffective use of Salesforce hindered lead and enrollment tracking.
  4. Lack of New Lead Management Tools: Absence of tools for capturing, tracking, and monitoring leads impacted efficiency.
  5. Online Reputation Management: Addressing negative PR online through strategic content and reputation repair.
  6. Visa-Related Enrollment Barriers:Visa challenges acting as barriers for potential student enrollment


The university faced challenges including negative online PR that demanded strategic content development for narrative override. Visa limitations posed potential enrollment restrictions for students. Ineffective use of Salesforce hindered accurate lead and enrollment tracking. The absence of new tools for capturing and monitoring leads impacted overall efficiency. Online reputation management involved addressing negative PR through strategic content and reputation repair efforts. Visa-related challenges acted as barriers, limiting opportunities for potential student enrollment.

American Univeristy
American Univeristy
American Univeristy
American Univeristy
American Univeristy


  • Content Development for Transparency: Developed valuable, honest, and informative content to provide users with an unbiased opinion of the university’s offerings.
  • Strategic SEO and Targeting: Implemented an SEO and targeting strategy focused on countries with no Visa requirements to enter Malta or those with easy visa processes to Malta.
  • Integration of Salesforce with HubSpot: Ensured seamless lead tracking by integrating Salesforce with HubSpot, minimizing the risk of missing any leads.